Saturday, June 18, 2005

I Wish I was the "Socialator"

When I was a young girl, I used to watch reruns of the orginal Battlestar Galactica on late night TV. I had no idea what the hell I was watching but I watched it because it had Face, Dirk Benedict, from the A-Team. *Sigh* He was my first crush because he was so dreamy and cool, flying that colonial fighter and smoking them cigars while helping protect the fleet from Cylons till they find the lost colony of Earth. He was also a complete *ss to the ladies too! I don't remember their names but Starbuck had two chicks chasing after him, a blond and brunette. I liked the blond who was previously a "socialator" but the brunette chick was just annoying. He always seemed to pick up some extra chicks along the way, plus his dad was really Fred Astaire. For reals! I know, I am a nerd and this is way too much information than you needed. Overall, the "old" Starbuck is hotness!  Posted by Hello


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