Saturday, September 24, 2005

The family is okay!

I just got word from my in-laws, who were in Houston when Rita hit, are okay. They only experienced some winds and some broke tree limbs but they still have power and have experienced no flooding. Yeah! I was so worried about them because they tried to leave in that mass exodus of people but ran out of gas in 100 degree heat and had to go back home. Here in Austin, every school has been turned into a shelter and people are even camping in outlying communities and campsites. It's packed in this town. Gas stations are dry. The grocery store was emptied. No bread, no water, no was craziness. Now everyone is leaving and it's a headache to get out of this town but I am glad that this storm wasn't as bad as Katrina and people seemed more prepared this time around.

I heard some horror stories of people trying to leave Houston with their pets who suffered heat exhaustion and died in that traffic. One gentleman's cat died in the heat and he drove from Houston to Austin with his dead cat in his car because he couldn't leave it by the side of the road. My heart breaks for these people because I am the same way. He left with the thing he loved the most and it died while he was trying to save their lives. It's sad. I am lucky. I live inland and the only thing I have to worry about are thunderstorms, tornados and fire. I could never leave my 4 cats, 1 bird and 2 fish tanks. I understand people who refuse to leave even in the face of impending doom because I couldn't go anywhere without my babies.


Blogger Monty said...

And please, never, never change. And since your in-laws are OK in Houston, it's time for that all-important group maintenance! Draft the young man you keep for these purposes, and practice all of your routines, like the evacuation routine to reduce the level of certain bodily fluids, and fix the levee, which involves filling and packing an breeches found in certain levees, and, let me think I can come up with a whole lot more emergency routines that need to be refined, honed, and practiced to perfection! Plowing the road with 4 cats watching, the shepard and the wayward lamb....

10:03 PM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

I'm glad your family is doing okay. Good thing you live more inland. :-)

10:14 PM  
Blogger Angelique said...

Thank you, Notta and Monty. I am so happy that my family is safe and that this could have been much worse but it wasn't. Now I just have to worry about my sister who is driving from Miami to Austin. I hope that the trip is short and sweet but I know that it's one hell of a butt numbing drive. She should be here by Friday or Saturday...I can't wait.

1:26 PM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

Hope your visit with her is a good one! :-)

7:19 PM  
Blogger Monty said...

Keep us posted! A nice picture of her might be nice too, a current one. Maybe both of you together, in the light!!

6:37 AM  

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