Wednesday, September 14, 2005

EBay blows!

Lately, I have been having problems on eBay. First, I won shoes in an auction. They were beautiful but when I received them I realized that they were a 1/2 size too small than was stated in the auction. Ouch, especially for heels. So, I tried to return them but the seller either doesn't check his freaking emails or he figured that I would just go away. I had to sick Pay Pal on his ass. Finally, I get a response and I am sending them back for a refund. Sucks because I don't get reimbursed for shipping them back. I am just glad that problem is going to be resolved soon, hopefully. The way things are going I am expecting more shit to go wrong. This week, for example, I also bought a DVD off of eBay. I have become a fan of Bollywood movies but it's tough trying to find a good seller off of eBay because most of the Hindi movies are pirated copies and are of poor quality. I finally found a seller and it was 2 movies in one so I figure bonus because I checked IMDB and they were both good movies. Well, I received my DVD in the mail yesterday and it's the wrong DVD. I emailed her yesterday and have yet to receive an answer. I hate to be a bitch but my goodwill has been spent by the other jerk off who got my order wrong and who did not check his email or phone. Jeez, I figured we were beyond the days of people who don't have voicemail. It's annoying when the phone wrings off the hook and believe me I will wait until the phone has wrung 30 times before I hang up. So, I am giving people 24 hours to contact me back or I will leave negative feedback. I didn't wait to pay for the auction, the least they can do is get back to me in an orderly fashion. It's safe to say that I probably won't be buying stuff off of eBay for a while...funny because that news made my husband very happy.

P.S. Here is a funny notice that I found on the net about eBay because there is some scary shit in some of those auctions!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Now don't be rash...we are talking about ebay! I am sure that the cosmos is not in your favor now but it could be a lot worse. You could had received a "home-made" movie...of yourself!

"a devout ebay follower"

1:40 PM  
Blogger Angelique said...

Yikes! Thanks a lot for completely freaking me out, chica. I guess things could be worse but they are really annoying right now. I am just going to take a break, you devot ebay follower or as I call you, wierdo. You know I love you girl and just kidding...mostly.

2:17 PM  
Blogger Monty said...

damn word verification, like stepping in gum and getting it all over your shoe.

could you please precisely define chica? thankyouverymuch

7:16 PM  
Blogger Angelique said...

Hi, Monty! My sister and I use chica as girl or girlfriend in addressing one another or as a term of endearment. It actually means "girl" in Spanish. We never really developed our own twin language so we decide instead to butcher and misuse other languages.

7:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

eBay sucks big wet donkey balls! Face to Face hand over fist is the only way to go,why pay outrageous shipping fees for most small purchases then wait to get it,see if it's ok,if not send it back, cash out of your pocket it all adds up to bullshit.Go out and 1.look 2.grab enough said.

5:19 AM  

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