Wednesday, October 12, 2005

What an idiot!?!

You know I have to bore you with the stories of my life. Well, today something completely hilarious happened today and when I say hilarious I really mean kind of stupid and possibly painful for someone else. I have this Microbiology class that has a lab component. Now the lab is fun because we get to play with fire and grow some microbes. Well, today we had to inoculate bacteria on a nutrient agar plate with a spreader which looks like a small plastic spatula. One of my classmates, no names here, is an idiot. He always comes in late, he never knows what he is doing and he does everything wrong and in the most unsafe way possible. We had to dip the spreader in a beaker of alcohol and put it quickly in to the flame and the alcohol burns off pretty fast. Well, moron-man, dipped the spreader into the alcohol and put in the flame but kept it there until it started to melt. He freaked out and put the spreader back in the vial of alcohol. Yep, that was a stupid move, fire + alcohol= bigger fire. The beaker is on fire now and he bends over and blows the flame out quickly. The teacher is telling him to place something over the beaker to smother it like a book and dumbass puts his hand over the beaker. Thank God he blew the flame out. Anyways, the class is stunned by his stupidity but then we all burst out laughing when he looks at the spreader and it has melted over itself. The teacher goes into the next adjacent room to get a new spreader and you can hear the teacher and her teaching assistant laughing their asses off. Man, that made my day. Every time I feel like I am lost in class and I have no idea what I am doing this guy comes along and makes me feel better.


Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

I didn't take a class like that in college, but we did something similar (although much more basic) in high school. We had to heat things up with bunsen burners and my eyesight was very poor. I hated wearing glasses, so sometimes I'd go without. One time I forgot to turn the burner off and hunched over to do my lab writeup and smelled something weird. Then I heard my labmate scream "Oh my God, her hair's on fire!". I had singed off my bangs. :-/ I can laugh now, but not so funny then. :-P

6:15 PM  
Blogger Angelique said...

Notta, OMIGOD that's scary! One of my lab partners in high school left the bunsen burner on for a long time trying to light it and then it finally sparked. The ball of fire singed his eyebrows off. To this day I am terrified to light that damn thing. I know, it's sad but I can not get that picture of his face and the smell of singed eyebrows out of my mind. I am glad that you are okay.

10:18 PM  

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