Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I told you I was on the side of the bus!

Well, guys here is my fifteen minutes of fame on the side of the bus. It isn't an glossy ad in a girly magazine but I'll take it. My partner in crime is on the far left and he had some photoshop magic done because at the time of the pix he had blue hair and now it's black. We don't know who the chic is in the middle but we were told she was from the Biology department.

I had been trying to get a picture of myself with elusive bus but I wasn't able to till know. My classmates would tell me it was just outside our building but when I got there it was gone. I felt like I was trying to catch a glimpse of Sasquatch. Finally, I succeeded. I call my look the hot nerd. I believe I succeed in capturing that "thinking up a cure for cancer" look with the do me factor of my sexy gloves. About 2 seconds after I took this photo I almost got runned over by a bus in front of my classmates but it isn't a regular day in Angelique land until I almost get runned over at least once a day which makes the hubby nervous. Overall, not a bad photo plus I am loving my total ghetto stance. Yeah!
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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Giving Blood is HOT!

I would like to blame the loss of blood for possibly the most pornographic picture I have taken beside those "special" ones I took with my husband. I am on this mission to try new things and I had never donated blood before...till now.

I helped all morning at a job fair and I hadn't planned to donate but I figured on I was on a roll helping others so I said what the hell. There was no line and the blood collection personnel patiently waited for me to finish reading the literature which I guess nobody actually reads. Anyways, I went and gave them my ID, answered some questions and got a finger stick to check my hematocrit. Totally normal 41%. Then I have to answer the long of list of questions. I answered no to them all. I am boring. I haven't had traveled outside the country aka England, I don't have Cruetzfeldt-Jakob's disease, no mad cow for me, I haven't had gay sex and I haven't traveled to an area prevalent with malaria. These are all questions designed to weed you out and if you say yes to any of these they will respectively decline your blood. So, I passed the test, laid down on the cot and was prepped. They stuck me and I was a fast flower. They told me alcohol thins your blood out and makes things flow. A good thing to know since I drank a margarita last night. Everything was perfect until a blood clot formed. My line was slowing down so the blood tech had to readjust it and let me tell you that sucked. It was a very strange and uncomfortable feeling that I don't ever want to repeat. After a couple of minutes my line stopped completely. In the end, they had to pull my needle out and there was a huge blood clot in the needle that clogged the line. I have a picture of it but honestly, it's just plain gross. They ended up tossing my blood since they didn't get enough. They didn't restick me, Thank God and I just chilled in their lounge eating their sugar and getting a free T-shirt.

My classmate snapped this picture of me posing. I was trying to convey that donating blood was a fun experience but I think most people think I am having an orgasmic experience. Have I told you I suck at posing for pictures. They always come out wierd but at least I didn't have have food in my mouth. Moral of the story. Well, donate blood you could save a life and don't pose to hard because you will just get teased about it forever.
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