Sunday, August 28, 2005

Austin Allergies Suck!

These last couple of days I have been in a funk. I thought it was a mild depression that was making me go comatose and sleep for hours. I slept so much that my husband came in occasionally and poked me with a stick to see if I was still alive. If you know me you don't mess with me in my sleep so if I wake up like an angry bear, I am fine. Well, I wasn't depressed, I was suffering from allergies. I did some allergy testing a couple of years back and I found out that I was allergic to everything that blooms in Austin especially mold. So the mold count here is insanely high and I am in misery. My eyes looked like somebody popped me and I just have a general malaise. My cats are trying to cheer me up. They cuddle with me in my sleep but I am also allergic to cats so waking up to 4 cats in your bed and one has stolen your pillow is not as comforting as it should be but I love them. My cats steal the covers and stuff their fur in my nose but I will never kick them out of bed, I mean, my husband steals the sheets and is furry, too, and you don't see me kicking him out of bed. So, over all I am getting lots of love since I am feeling like crap but tomorrow school starts and I am glad that I will be busy because nothing annoys me more than allergies is being bored.


Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

Angel - this is formerly "jen" of "jen's journal". Decided to try something new. Anyway, I have horrid allergies also (never did as a kid, though) and I would not survive without my kirkland brand (available at costco) claritin. Try it. :-)

6:44 PM  
Blogger Angelique said...

OMIGOD! I thought you had disappeared forever. I was so sad that your blog was no more. Well, I am glad that you are still around because I love reading your blog. Thanks for giving me a heads up on your move. I think I will try Claritin, too. I thinking feeling like shit from allergies is overrated.

10:50 PM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

Glad you found my new blog. :-) You know, when I was growing up, my brother had horrible allergies and had to get shots and take meds. Back then, the treatments left him like a zombie. New allergy meds now mean that people really don't have to suffer. Claritin will make you very thirsty, but that's the worst side effect I've seen so far, and it's not a horrible thing to just drink more water. :-)

8:29 AM  
Blogger Monty said...

Where does the cat that steals the pillow take it? I adore cats!

2:36 PM  
Blogger Angelique said...

He takes the pillow for himself. Munchkin doesn't know how to share. It's better than that one time when my husband's cat, Sunny Bunny Bear, tried to kill me by smothering me with a pillow. For reals, I am not crazy!

11:43 PM  

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