Thursday, November 03, 2005

My Civic Duty!

Well, it's voting time again. I always make it a habit to vote and I even got my husband in the habit of voting when before he wouldn't have given it a second thought. I really like voting because it is the ultimate expression of what I like or don't like.

I don't like Proposition 2, "The constitutional amendment providing that marriage in this state consists only of the union of one man and one woman and prohibiting this state or a political subdivision of this state from creating or recognizing any legal status identical or similar to marriage." I forget sometimes living in Austin which is a liberal mecca that I live in Texas which is in the south, in the bible belt and a red state. I really don't like this proposition, mostly because I don't like telling people what they can and can't do if they are living their lives peacefully and paying their taxes. These laws and tweaks to our state constitution remind me of the Jim Crow laws that stripped away the rights of African-Americans. I also realize that change is hard and it takes years, decades, maybe even a century. For example, the Civil War was fought in the 1860's yet the Civil Rights Movement began in the 1960's. That's a hundred years. That's a long time. On a more personal note, I have a marriage that would have been frowned upon a couple of generations ago. I am Hispanic my husband is Caucasian. I know this mix may upset people but I say what I always say when people I don't know judge me, Kiss My Ass. Overall, my point is that this proposition will probably pass but that's okay because eventually people will understand that this legislation strips rights away from citizens and gives the government the right to morally judge a specific segment of society and they don't know anyone that well to judge them. Eventually, people will understand that it's wrong but it may take a while maybe even a hundred more years before they realize that it's not right to deny anyone the right to marry whom ever they wish.

P.S. Thanks to Notta for inspiring me to voice my opinions concerning some proposed propositions.


Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

Yay for you, Angel. :-)

By the way, did I ever tell you I lived in Austin for a short time? Don't take this personally, but Texas is one f-d up state (and they seem to be proud of it). :-P

I agree with you wholeheartedly - how is a union between ANY two people any of the government's business? Also, like you, I'm in an interracial relationship - my b/f is Taiwanese and I'm Caucasian.

7:23 PM  
Blogger Angelique said...

That's so cool that you lived in Austin, Notta! I hoped you liked it here but I agree that Texas is one fucked up state. Some places are cool but other places are so backwards in their thinking that they are scary. I can name a couple of small towns in Texas where you don't get out of the car if you have brown skin. Texas is like its own country for good or for bad. Love knows no color and I am positive that you and your boyfriend make a cute couple.

10:13 PM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

LOL - hmm... we are an interesting couple (my heritage is German/Norwegian). I'm about 4 inches taller than him and very fair. I can't wait to see our babies, though. :-P

5:31 PM  
Blogger Angelique said...

Notta, I bet your babies will be beautiful. My husband is a six foot Swede and I am a short Mexican, well not that short (5ft 6in). I am pretty sure our daughters will tower over their boyfriends and our sons will take after my very short Mexican family. I least I will never have to worry about our daughters, they'll be valkyries. I look at me and my husband it is so true that opposites attract. I think that opposites make the best couples because there is never a dull moment.

9:19 PM  

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