Wednesday, January 18, 2006

It kind of came out funny?!

Today was my first class of Intro to Speech. It is an accelerated class so I have a lot of really young students and older students who are trying their hand at something different. It is a good mix and I feel that I will have some fun with that class. My teacher broke the ice with embarrassing stories of herself. Her most embarrassing story was that she was mistaken as a transvestite in a gay bar even thought she was a female. This got me thinking...what is my most embarrassing story? Lord knows I have plenty of them. I have one about me grossing out a vegetarian and making sex talk to my sandwich.

Here is how it went down. My husband got this huge double meat sandwich and I was trying to take a bite off his gargantuan sandwich! I think I said something like..."My God, honey, there is just so much meat, I don't know if I can get my mouth around it." This, of course, sent our friends in to stitches and the vegetarian who was looking at us like we killed and ate baby Jesus, started to laugh, too.

Here is a little info and I am not mentioning any names here but Taco Cabana bean and cheese tacos use lard, yep, from a cow, that's an animal. A rule of thumb when it comes to Tex-Mex food, if it tastes good they used lard. I just thought I should mention that just in case anyone was vegan or an ovo-lactate vegetarian and believed bean and cheese tacos were animal product free, I don't think so. Unless you cooked it, I wouldn't eat it if I were vegan. Yum, tacos!


Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

I could never be a vegetarian. Half the time, I'd rather not know what is in stuff, though, or I'd get grossed out. Your embarrassing moment was pretty good - thanks for the chuckle. :-)

3:50 PM  
Blogger Angelique said...

Notta, I am glad I can make you laugh. I am the same way about food. There are foods that I adore but if I think about what they are made out of I wouldn't be able to touch it let alone eat it. Barbacoa tacos I love but my husband gets freaked out that it's cow facial meat but it's some damn tasty cow.

4:39 PM  

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