Sunday, July 09, 2006

This week's news...

Well, my sister put her kitty, Don Gato, to sleep on Saturday. It was a tough decision but he was not happy and in pain. She still has a surviving kitten, Lupita, that has been working to cheer up but we all will be sad this weekend.

My husband and I decided to adopt one of my foster kittens. Isn't he cute in the picture, he just woke up from a nap when I took it. He looks exactly like Pepito and I have no idea what to call him. I usually get a name within 24 hours of having a foster but I have been a complete blank on what to call him. He is a mellow little guy and is completely opposite to his sister who is very vocal, must be the Siamese in her, and energetic. He definitely is one of our brood.

I am taking Munchy into the clinic for more blood work and another ultrasound this week to figure out if his kidney is still swollen. I am hoping for some good news, wish me luck!

Overall, we are hanging there and but I feel bruised.
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Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

I'm sorry about Don Gato - it's very difficult to lose a pet. I wish Munchy good luck - hopefully things turn out okay. :-)

9:27 AM  
Blogger Angelique said...

Thank you, Notta. I hope that Munchy is okay, too. He still a little butt but that is normal for him.

9:52 AM  

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