I enjoy taking Salsa classes and my sister has been cool enough to go and hang with me at my dance classes. This a little list on how not to creep out your dance partner which should be helpful if you are a newbie.
1. Do not creep out your dance partner. You can creep out your partner a multitude of ways and being to nosy is one of them. I don't want to be asked a 101 questions and I don't want to hear about your problems. This reminds me of a guy who was trying to pick me up by asking me all kinds of questions like how I was feeling, how my day was and what I did today all in the same breath. I admit I was getting annoyed so I said..."Good, Fine and I dissected cats today, thank you for asking." I admit that shut his ass right up and it was totally true, too. I am taking an Anatomy class and I dissected a cat in lab. You should have seen his face it was priceless! Overall, keep it light and entertaining.
2. Dance with a respectful space unless your female dance partner says or does otherwise. I like dancing close with dancers who know what they are doing. It means that I am confident in your ability to lead not that I want to go out with you. If you are new, don't even do that shit, the girl will take back her space forcibly and it just makes you look desperate and perverted. I don't enjoy dancing in someone's crotch, it's icky.
3. Don't hold her hand too long. I hate it when the music stops and step away from your dance partner yet he is still clinging to your damn hand. Not cool. I say this because recently this happened to me and I needed a crowbar to pry my hand from his sweaty, meaty palm. That is soooo not hot. My excuse is that I am sweaty and I need to wipe my palms but if I have to tell you this, you are holding my hand way too long.
4. Look for wedding bands. People may think this is a given but you would be amazed how men do not look for that all important wedding ring. Save yourself the embarrassment of asking a married woman out unless you are into that kind of thing. In that case be prepared to duck since I will slap a mofo's face for that shit.
5. Don' follow a girl to her car. This is a given if you just met the girl in dance class. I have multiple containers of pepper spray everywhere and I don't care if you look like a nice guy. If it's the first time I have met you and you follow me to my car, don't try anything funny because I will spray you and then kick you in the balls.
6a. Don't think dirty thoughts about your dance partner because we know. I can tell by a guy's face if is going to ask me out or do something stupid that will require me to either slap his hand or laugh at him. I am not a moron and guys who are desperate enough to try to pick up chicks in a dance class are pretty desperate. Most women are there to learn and then go to clubs to check out the men and to be checked out by them. There is a time and place for everything.
6b. Don't think lewd thoughts about your dance partner after you realize that she has a twin sister. There is nothing more creepier than a guy who thinks he can ask one twin and either can't tell the twin apart or purposefully asks the other twin out. Do you think twins don't talk to each other and that we wouldn't find out? Men are morons. FYI, twins do talk, we even have our own freaking language, and we will make you look very stupid and embarrass your ass if you decide to be that dumb.
7. The most important thing...invest in some breath mints. You can be the best dancer in the world but I like conversing a little while dancing and I don't want to smell what you ate for dinner. Most men know this but there is always that one guy who I can barely stand because of his kicking breath and I just nod through out the whole conversation while dancing.
I know this list sounds kind of mean but I have been taking classes for a while and these are just a few of the things I wish people would observe. I know it seems a little sexist but I am a girl so I only know what bugs me. If any one wants to post a guy's point of view or tips, I am happy to check them out!